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Resources on Social Emotional Learning

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is an aspect of a child’s education that is integral in supporting academic success. Though Ohio has developed a set of SEL standards, SEL is not a subject like math, reading, history, or science. While it may be addressed directly, SEL skills can be infused throughout the instructional day. The five social emotional competencies addressed are self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills and making responsible decisions.

When SEL is incorporated into the school day, students learn to set goals, show empathy, communicate, cooperate, manage emotions, and resolve conflicts and more. When SEL is part of the instructional day, an environment is created that supports student learning and academic success. Further, these skills have been noted by businesses as important in their employees being successful. It is what they look for in their hiring practices.

Social Emotional Learning is extremely important for teaching students critical life skills. As students learn to control and positively channel their emotions, understand others and their different perspectives, and become proficient at making sound decisions, the better poised they are to become positive, productive citizens and contributors to their communities.

Resources from AFT’s Share My Lesson 

Resources from the Ohio Department of Education

Resources from the U.S. Department of Education

SEL Blog Posts from OFT Members

The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL)

Other Resources

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